Who are Lions?
Lions help others – we are volunteers who raise funds and provide services for people in need.
Lions is a worldwide organisation of 1.45 million men & women in 210 countries. We are in small towns and in big cities and we offer support to those suffering due to their circumstances or natural disasters.
We strive to make a difference by honouring our motto: “WE SERVE”.
What we do
Lions Australia has a proud history of achievement in Disaster and Emergency Relief, Medical Research and Community Service. We were at the coalface for Cyclone Tracy, the Black Saturday bushfires and the Queensland/NSW floods.
We were involved with the development of the bionic ear and the cervical cancer vaccine Gardasil, developed by Prof Ian Frazer AC, a former Lions Medical Research Foundation Fellow. We also inspired a young Fred Hollows and continue to provide funding for a range of other research initiatives involving diabetes and autism.
We assist with local community fundraising for special causes and help with the development and building of local parks, community venues, and sporting centres.
Want to know more?
- Membership is open to all people of the community in good standing.
- Clubs may either provide service or raise money for their community.
- 100% of funds donated by the public through fund-raising are directed to the project for which they are intended.
Lions Clubs are part of community life, in the cities and in the country. Clubs are easily identified by their distinctive Logo, the trademark of the Association, and the 'We Serve'; motto seen on road signs throughout the country.
Our Code of Ethics
- To show my faith in the worthiness of my vocation by industrious application to the end that I may merit a reputation for quality of service.
- To seek success and to demand all fair remuneration or profit as my just due, but to accept no profit or success at the price of my own self-respect lost because of unfair advantage taken or because of questionable acts on my part.
- To remember that in building up my business it is not necessary to tear down another’s; to be loyal to my clients or customers and true to myself.
- Whenever a doubt arises as to the right or ethics of my position or action towards others, to resolve such doubt against myself.
- To hold friendship as an end and not a means. To hold that true friendship exists not on account of the service performed by one to another, but that true friendship demands nothing but accepts service in the spirit in which it is given.
- Always to bear in mind my obligations as a citizen to my nation, my state, and my community, and to give them my unswerving loyalty in word, act, and deed. To give them freely of my time, labor and means.
- To aid others by giving my sympathy to those in distress, my aid to the weak, and my substance to the needy.
- To be Careful with my criticism and liberal with my praise; to build up and not destroy.